Dear all,

Although the church building has largely been out of use during lockdown (with the exception of Foodbank) the church community has been, and still is, very much alive and well! As we face the future together and seek God’s guidance for how we continue to show God’s love to one another and the wider community during such uncertain times, we have decided to open the church building for private prayer. The building will be open every Saturday 2-3pm for a limited number of people to come and use the time and space to pray. We will be following Government and Church of England guidance regarding how to keep people safe during the use of the building. How to use the facilities safely will be explained to those wish to use them on entry into the building.

Although there is much that is uncertain and unpredictable in life, and particularly during the current circumstances, one thing we can rely on is God’s love and faithfulness. So, whatever you are experiencing, thinking or feeling, why not spend some time in church to talk to God about it? Simply come as you are, that’s all God wants. You can also continue to connect with virtual resources including a weekly online service by visiting our Facebook page or website:

For any further information at this time please contact:

The Administrator

Tel.: 01928 751151


The Vicar: Rev’d Steve Torr

Tel.: 01928 716523

Mob.: 07432868759


Please take care of yourselves and one another and be assured of our prayers and God’s loving presence with you at this time.